23 Dicembre 2012
29 Dicembre 2012


Sachiko Kodama: The Art and Science of Ferrofluid

Sachiko Kodama explores within her artwork ‘The Art and Science of Ferrofluid’ the pulsating nature of science and amorphous character of time and space based on the shape of magnetic waves…

The Japanese female artist Sachiko Kodama was born in 1970. As a child she spent a lot of time in the southernmost part of Japan. This area is rich in tropical flowers and plants, edged by the sea, and washed with warm rain. Sachiko loved art and literature from an early age, but also had a strong interest in science.

After Graduating Physics course in the Faculty of Science at Hokkaido University, in 1993, Sachiko matriculated in the Fine Arts Department at the University of Tsukuba, studying Plastic Art and Mixed Media. Then she completed Master’s and Doctoral Program in Art and Design at the University of Tsukuba. She studied Computer and Holography Art in her doctoral research.

Ferrofluids appear as black fluid and are made by dissolving nanoscale ferromagnetic particles in a solvent such as water or oil. They remain strongly magnetic even in a fluid condition which makes them more flexible than iron sand.

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